“It all started in a laundry. We have better facilities today, but the culture is the same”
Susan Myrdal, general manager in Stockholm.
Stina Sämgård, general manager in Göteborg.
Munck Studios started in 2007 in a laundry room on the outskirts of Stockholm. In there, Jakob Munck recorded children's programs for the Swedish Radio under the freshly washed clothes that hung there to dry.
Today Munck Studios is represented in five countries. We produce entertainment, investigative journalism, music productions and much more. Our HQ is based in Stockholm, where we make podcasts for SR, UR, Spotify and a bunch of other media companies. One of the biggest podcasts in the country are produced here, as well as live broadcasted shows on SR P3 every weekend.
At the Göteborg office, we produce a number of productions. Both podcasts and and a live broadcasted morning show for SR P4.